
“Spiritual Blindness”

For he who lacks these things is shortsighted, even to blindness, and has forgotten that he was cleansed from his old sins – 2 Peter 1:9

Have you ever been driving on the highway and a nasty rain storm starts impairing your vision? I’m talking so much so that your windshield wipers are no longer able to aid your ability to see? Well, if you’ve experienced this type of scenario and you’re anything like me you just keep on driving anyhow. You see other cars pulled over on the side of the road wisely avoiding the dangers of driving through such a hazardous situation, yet you keep on trucking ahead.

This is effectively the best way I can describe the danger of spiritual blindness. Your vision is impaired, yet on your own volition, you choose to continue down a dangerous road. We make decisions like this namely because we don’t possess the wisdom or capacity in our own temporal being to know what’s actually best for us. We can convince ourselves that we do, but the truth is, without Christ we’re all spiritually blind.

In 2 Peter 1:9 the Apostle is suggesting that not only do we from time to time struggle from blindness but even temporary amnesia! Peter is addressing those that have knowledge of God as well as giving an exhortation that this knowledge should lead to fruitful growth. Part of this growth means that we demonstrate a level of maturity in the faith that doesn’t lead us into detrimental situations. It means our decisions are made through the petitioning of the Holy Spirt as well as Godly counsel.

When we purposely avoid seeking God in our day to day journey on the road of life, we liken ourselves unto that unwise driver who keeps tracking down the road during that vision impairing storm! This mindset is simply a result of viewing ourselves wise in our own eyes. While subscribing to this frame of thinking we also tend to forget that Christ died to cleanse us, mature us, and be that crucial navigation system we need on the road of life.

The Pharisee’s in John 7:45-52 also demonstrate for us spiritual blindness as a result of being wise in their own eyes. They argued that Jesus couldn’t be who proclaimed to be! Unfortunately, they formulated this conclusion based on their finite perspective, hence augmenting their ability to see and embrace the Messiah who was literally in their midst. Friends, let’s tap into true wisdom and clear vision by tapping into Christ daily!

Dig: Read John 7:45-52; 2 Peter 1:5-9

Delight: Live each day with your eyes lifted toward Christ. See Christ alone as treasure and everything else will just become part of life’s scenery. Christ will be your life!